Monday, December 13, 2010

more poems of light for the Solstice

16. 7/10
In the rear view mirror
Bright car yellow cat eyes
Following me home
Until I turned left. (45)

17. 7/11
light on the clay damp sand
underneath the gravel
by the tires of my
as I lie
far too close
with the road. (46)

18. 7/11
the light of this
summer day
stays in my heart.(47)

19. 7/11
soft golden grasses
brighter than
the dawn fog
above. (48)

20. 7/13/10
Up the hollows down the inclines
in rivers
falling down the road
sunlight on my face. (49)

22. 7/14
silver light
breaking through clouds
birds quietly sing
a square of paper
on our front gate
two, three of them
clothes pinned
dashed off by felt pen
she has that artist’s touch
pointing across across then up
to the side gate
quashed in between slats
sticking out
towards me
a newspaper
from our neighbor. (50)

21 7/14


the sun can seem
like a thousand lights
it lights up everything
every glen every glade
every stream
every pocket
if you hold it open
every wrinkle
on every face
if you’re out in the open
god’s laugh
tumbles down
with kisses
‘less the
woods too thick
mountain too tall
a shuttered house
a tree falls across a road
a damn to block a creek
Ganesha come to us. (51)
* (a magic number to be used at the discretion of the poet.)

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